How to Find or Generate My Hostid Number


The GAUSS license file is generated based on the unique HostID number of the computer on which GAUSS is installed. You can find your HostID with one of the following methods:

License Manager Error Window

For GAUSS 15.1 or newer

  1. Start GAUSS. There will be a pop-up window with the license manager error message.

  2. Press Copy, located at the right end of the Host ID line. This will copy your HostID to your computer's clipboard.
  3. Go to the License Request page.
  4. Paste the HostID you copied in Step 2 into the appropriate part of the license request form.

Aptech will re-issue the License File based on the updated information.

myhostid.txt file

The myhostid.txt file [or hostid.txt on macOS] located in your GAUSSHOME folder, contains your HostID. Open the myhostid.txt or hostid.txt file with a text editor and copy-and-paste the contents into the corresponding section of License Request form.

Generate an Updated Hostid Number


  1. Open up a terminal window.
  2. Go to your GAUSSHOME folder.
  3. Type or paste lm/rlmhostid in the terminal window.
  4. Copy and paste the output into your License Request for a new license file.


  1. Open up a Windows Command Prompt. Be sure to right click and select 'Run as Administrator' to ensure that you have the necessary permissions.
  2. Change directories to your GAUSSHOME folder: chdir c:\gauss25
  3. Type or paste lm\rlmhostid.exe in the command window.
  4. Copy and paste the output into your License Request for a new license file.

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